Mutant Master Scrapper
Demonstrate your creativity by deviating from your usual style and pay tribute to your favorite scrappers at the same time. Take one of your favorite scrapbooks among those that you've done, choose a scrapper whose style is so DIFFERENT FROM YOURS (your polar opposite of sorts), and redo your scrapbook in her/his style. I think in doing this, we could learn to better appreciate one another and even learn a trick or two. For example, I could (or so I wish) re-scrap one of my scrapbooks in the style of sandra marie, chrisg, y2bonnie, cleodog, handyman or snug - OMG, this is difficult, I might not even be able to join my own challenge! *lol*
Challenge Requirements:
1. You can re-scrap only ONE of your scrapbooks though you can re-scrap it in as many styles as you want and post as many pages of re-scraps as you want. It should, however, be a scrapbook that shows your distinct, typical style, and you should mention whose style you are using.

2. You may change the kit but keep the main concept and elements of your original scrap - for example, the main visual or photo that you used and/or whatever else is prominent in the original scrapbook outside of the kit itself, e.g. title, journal, etc. Of course, the original journal could also be re-written to match the style you're using but keep the gist.

3. Link the re-scrap with your original scrapbook - I think you'd have to repost a copy of the original with your re-scrap, but since the challenge is about deviating, mention that the ORIGINAL scrapbook is for reference only and people should comment and vote only on the re-scrap.

Challenge Starts: Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 5:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Sunday, August 5, 2007 5:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 5:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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brenda house
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Mutant Scrapper: gYPSyKate a la Handyman
Mutant Scrapper: gYPSyKate a la Handyman
Posted: Aug 5, 2007
339 challenge points
2nd Place
Tank Transport MMS-1
Tank Transport MMS-1
Posted: Aug 5, 2007
323 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
Mutation of Handy Man
Mutation of Handy Man
Posted: Aug 8, 2007
143 challenge points
22 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in Mutant Master Scrapper challenge 
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