Mermaid Ziggy
Create a Ziggy with a mermaid. The mermaid should be the main focus of this Ziggy challenge. The icon is an example of one I did:

A Ziggy is basically like creating a cluster (flowers, leaves, ribbons) except with the addition of fairies, animals, mammals, insects, etc., and elements/tubes of a girl or boy, man or woman, babies, etc., all put together and centered on your page with no background (i.e., your background should be white.)
**See Challenge Requirements for how to upload your page

A Ziggy IS NOT a page with borders, frames or framed photos. Everything outside of your centered Ziggy is blank.

Visit the ‘I LOVE ZIGGIES’ group to see more examples, and also join and add your Ziggy to the group:
Challenge Requirements:
Scrap a Ziggy with a Mermaid
Any images allowed; personal (must be extracted), internet, tubes
**UPLOAD AS JPEG!!! If you upload it as a PNG file, you’re background will be black.

No borders, frames or framed photos allowed. Any page like this will be removed. I don’t mean to be so strict about this, but creating a Ziggy, for me at least, was not easy at first and took lots of practice and also checking out others to see how they made theirs.

New pages only, uploaded after the start of the challenge. Only 1 winning page per person. Anyone with more than 1 winning page, the page(s) with lower scores will be removed after voting has ended.
Voting will end 1 day before the challenge ends so that I can choose the Challenge Owners Choice.

Give credit for all kits, tubes and images you used.

PLEASE! Vote on the merit of the design and not the person who created it or a friend

Above all else, have fun!
Challenge Starts: Monday, September 1, 2014 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, September 9, 2014 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
(Vote totals will be viewable after voting ends.)
Vote Starts: Monday, September 1, 2014 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Monday, September 8, 2014 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
To activate sending challenge members a message click here.
Mermaid Ziggy has 17 members.
savannah's grand mawmaw
Little_ Angel
Nana twice
» view all members
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Mermaid Ziggy
Mermaid Ziggy
Posted: Sep 2, 2014
86 challenge points
2nd Place
Posted: Sep 1, 2014
82 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
Mermaid Ziggy
Mermaid Ziggy
Posted: Sep 1, 2014
71 challenge points
28 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in Mermaid Ziggy challenge 
Challenge Discussion
Topic TitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
Speed Voted Cindee 1 Sep 6, 2014
Questions? SuziKatz 3 Sep 2, 2014
If you love Ziggy's ... SuziKatz 0 Sep 1, 2014
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