Love is...sketches from the '70s
Use only my background without changing anything, and add to it what Love is... as in the daily sketches (cartoons) that appeared daily in the papers of the seventies.

The Layout of the page did not change only the pencil sketch did and the way the sentence was completed.

For the challenge a photo will be used in place of the pencil sketch.

Following is the basic Layout of the sketches with a completed sentence:

Love is...

(Sketch of a couple (most often), and on occasion a single person.

...never having to say your sorry.

I'll post a page of some of the sketches/cartoons I have come across. I have found some on the internet.
Challenge Requirements:
Use only the background provided without changing a thing.
What you must do is:

1. Add a photo to the page in the upper left hand area of two people interacting or a single person.

You can embellish and frame the photo but the idea is to keep the page a scrapbook variation on the Love is... sketches from the seventies.

2. Complete the sentence of what Love is... in the lower portion of the page.

Minimal embellishment of the sentence through a tag, frame etc. is okay.

3. The completed sentence should relate in some way to the photo.

When it comes to voting what I am asking for is this:

Please keep in mind that I would like votes to be cast based on the quality of your work, rather than the quantity of your friends.

When it comes time for you to cast your vote (if you are comforable with my idea) I would like to see you post your actual vote in the comments section, and in this way people will be able to see how you ranked their page in comparison to the others.
Challenge Starts: Sunday, August 24, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: Only challenge members can vote.
Vote Starts: Monday, September 22, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
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Love is...sketches from the '70s has 15 members.
Scrappy Doo Doll
Digital Daisy
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Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Love is Challenge
Love is Challenge
Posted: Sep 11, 2008
40 challenge points
2nd Place
Love Is......... #2
Love Is......... #2
Posted: Aug 24, 2008
40 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
Love is ... 1970s challenge
Love is ... 1970s challenge
Posted: Aug 24, 2008
20 challenge points
20 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in Love is...sketches from the '70s challenge 
Challenge Discussion
Topic TitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
Thanks to all caylalily 3 Sep 23, 2008
votes Late_Bloomer 1 Sep 21, 2008
Owner's pages caylalily 0 Aug 24, 2008
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