It's Another Progressive Challenge-Step 2
Everyone always seem to enjoy the progressive challenges, so here is another. I love the way MaryWonder did a recent progressive challenge so I am going to borrow her format.

There will be 5 steps to create your final page. Each step will be its own challenge lasting 3 days. After voting ends for Step 1, I will post in the topic section what will be required for this step. You should save each step in a format on your computer so that you can easily add the following steps. Once you post your step, you absolutely can not move it around on your page later.

New pages uploaded after the challenge starts (please do not upload early). Only 1 winning page per person. Voting will end before the challenge ends.
Challenge Requirements:
1. Follow the requirements as I give them in the topic section of the challenge.

2. You CAN NOT move things around on your page once you have posted and find out the next step.

3. You can move things lower or higher in layers so it would be a good idea to save each step on your computer in a format that will allow you to adjust layers if you can.

4. To be eligible for any awards, you MUST complete each and every step for each challenge.

5. You CAN NOT post a scrap in this challenge after voting ends and still be eligible for any awards in any of the remaining challenges.

I will be checking each step to make sure items are not moved from a previous step. Please take time to vote on scraps entered in the challenge. I will proudly admit that I do vote 5-10 points according to craftsmanship, adherence to challenge requirements, and of course my personal taste.
Challenge Starts: Monday, November 18, 2013 3:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Thursday, November 21, 2013 5:00 PM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
(Vote totals will be viewable after voting ends.)
Vote Starts: Monday, November 18, 2013 3:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Thursday, November 21, 2013 3:00 PM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
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It's Another Progressive Challenge-Step 2 has 19 members.
Kwatie G
Lavender Passion
Betty Boop
» view all members
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Progressive November 2
Progressive November 2
Posted: Nov 18, 2013
150 challenge points
2nd Place
Posted: Nov 18, 2013
134 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
Prog Step2 18Nov13
Prog Step2 18Nov13
Posted: Nov 18, 2013
84 challenge points
23 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in It's Another Progressive Challenge-Step 2 challenge 
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