House Hunters International - SBF Style
Okay guys! Get your thinking caps on and your imaginary passports ready cause this challenge is gonna send you to another country!

I am blaming this challenge on too many late night HGTV programs. For those who don't know what House Hunters International is, I'll explain it a bit...

Basically, the show follows a person (or family) on their journey to find a house (or vacation house) in a country other than the US. For our challenge, though, I'm making it any country other than where you live currently!

So.... here are the rules.
Challenge Requirements:
1. You have a budget of $500,000 IUSD (that's Imaginary United States Dollars). Ya need to find out how much USD translates to the money in the country you're looking at!

2. Create a "Wish List"... four or five "wants" for your new home!

3. Go Windows (or Mac) shopping! Look at real estate for sale listed online and find your dream home. Scrap what you find!

4. Your page MUST have journaling that includes:
- Your Wish List (Your house doesn't have to have everything on the wish list but it would be nice!)
- Asking price of the house
- Where the house is (country, city, etc... NOT address)
5. Your scrapbook can be more than one page long (uploaded together) just enter your first page.

6. Be creative and have fun! After all, it's not every day you can spend $500,000 IUSD! :D

NOTICE: $500,000 IUSD (Imaginary US Dollars) has been sent via telepathy to all SBF members. I am not responsible for lost or stolen IUSD! :D
Challenge Starts: Saturday, January 22, 2011 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 1
Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Saturday, January 22, 2011 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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Challenge Owner
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House Hunters International - SBF Style has 13 members.
Granny Franny
Traci Leigh Designz
» view all members
Challenge Scrapbooks
1st Place
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home
Posted: Jan 23, 2011
193 challenge points
2nd Place
House Hunters Ireland
House Hunters Ireland
Posted: Jan 22, 2011
168 challenge points
Challenge Owner's Choice
House Hunters SBF 1
House Hunters SBF 1
Posted: Jan 22, 2011
110 challenge points
9 Scrapbooks | » view all scrapbooks in House Hunters International - SBF Style challenge 
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