Chicken Invasion challenge
The rules of this challenge are simple. Join another challenge. Do a page following the rules of that challenge BUT include a rubber chicken in it as well. It can be big, small, whatever. Then you put the same page in THIS challenge. Let's see if we can win some awards in other challenges with our chickens! lol
Challenge Requirements:
New or old pages. Page MUST adhere to the rules of the initial challenge, but also include somewhere a rubber chicken.
Challenge Starts: Saturday, September 20, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Monday, October 20, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting:
All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Saturday, September 27, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Monday, October 20, 2008 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.