Bees in crisis
SHOW ME PHOTO'S OF YOUR BEE'S FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD !!! This is a very serious topic, I thought it would be good to make others aware of the problem & gain reassurance that our busy friends are out there doing their job. If they don't do what they do, we have a major world problem ! About one third of all food is produced as a result of insect pollination, and the European honeybee, Apis mellifera, is responsible for about 80% of this. Varroa mites (Varroa destructor) are external parasites of bees. The mites, which are about the size of a pinhead, use specialised mouthparts to attack developing bee larvae or adult bees, resulting in deformed bees, reduced lifespan and ultimately the destruction of the colony or hive. These mites are the most important pest of honeybees around the world. Varroa mites spread naturally between bee colonies by travelling on the bees. http://www.daff.gov.au/animal-plant-health/pests-diseases-weeds/animal/varroa-mite
Challenge Requirements:
1. YOUR PHOTO of a bee or bee's !!! NO INTERNET ONES !!! 2. Put the name of your country somewhere on the page! 3. Scrap it how ever you like !! 4. Have fun !!!
Challenge Starts: Saturday, August 9, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Challenge Ends: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 5
Voting Setting:
All members can vote in this challenge.
Vote Starts: Saturday, August 9, 2008 12:00 AM EST
Vote Ends: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:00 AM EST
This challenge is completed.
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