grandpa_david says:
Whilst technically speaking the page by Amanda on the smallest chirch could be deemed to be non-compliant, I am permitting the page in the challennge on the basis that there is not exactly enough of the chuch to have 3 pictures of it, and is of fascinating historical interest. There are two pictures and good journalling and I feel that is probably as much as can be given for this building, and in this instance is close enough.

I realise that some members have been pulled up on compliance for not having 3 pictures, but the subject matter they had chosen was capable up supporting 3 pictures and this is not.

If any member has a problem with my decision on this page please post your comments in this topic giving the reasons why you do not agree with my decision.
Oct 5, 2007
grandpa_david says:
Just as an addendum, the page has a picture of the sign, which some may not consider as the building, but it is relevant and as such probably makes the page complianrt. Really I am posting this all as it could be considered borderline by some and I wish to make absolutely sure that everyone is aware of the reason taht the page remains in the challenge and to stop any possible complaints about non compliance.
Oct 5, 2007
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