How sad

madzac says:
Sorry everyone, but i just had to voice this. I just watched the video on U-tube, and i have to say i am absolutely troubled by this poor girl's attacks and subsequent death, I feel physically sick, i am so glad now that she is out of harms way. Kelsey you are beautifal and i will be honoured to create a memory for you.

Hugs from Australia

Oct 3, 2007
Lisadee says:
I feel exactly the same way ... I have no concept at all of how people like that think. Kelsey was a beautiful little girl and why and how on earth could anybody destroy her. Her memory must go on, yet another Aussie, Lisa
Sep 12, 2007
kerri kitten says:
that is so upsetting no child should have to go through that, i will be creating a memory of this poor child RIP Kelsey Briggs
Sep 12, 2007
KimberlyRae says:
I agree~~Absolutely appauling and sickning to our very beings. I have to say I have NO problem calling 911 if I even see what 'could be ' child abuse.
I have seen gramma's kick and scream at their grandchildren, Moms slap and hit their kids (and I 'm not talking about a spanking of disapline), heard fathers verably abuse and experience these things and sexual abuse myself.
I have NO Tolerace for ANY of it!! I believe if there were MORE people out there with a NO TOLERACE including the AUTHORITIES there would be LESS of this DEVESTATION happening.
If We Would just MAKE that CALL!!
Sep 12, 2007
scrappydooo says:
i agree with all of ou..i just can't belive how many times that gorgeous little girl had to go back and face more tragedy at a JUDGES say so!! as far as im concerned if they didnt know the identity of the abuser then kelsey should not have gone back to that house...
Bless you Kelsey..
Sep 12, 2007
dondon says:
Your frustrations are shared by many people & from my side of things I wish more was reported. Every time I come to work and one of our female officers is in plain clothes it means only one thing, more child interviews and like it of not today was one of those days. We work with other departments too and most of the people want to do a lot more, sadly we could have three times as many people working on these cases and still need more. They have a term for people like this in jail, Rock spiders, and even the other prisoners think they are the lowest forms of life.
Sep 12, 2007
novice@it says:
I just saw the video and weeped out loud, what evil lives among us, surely someone should have spoken up for this child, I hope her mother and the man responcible never see the outside world again, the man who did this is pure evil, but the mother, for allowing it to happen is just as evil, in my opinion, there is no excuse, not even fear of a spouse, now in 2007, because their are too many agencies to help you , I am saddenend and heartbroken over this angels short liitle life, how sad for her father, who was off in war protecting the evil man who was killing his child!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no justice on earth to make up for it only God will cast down their just sentence, My prayers of love to this father and family, what a tradgety beyond words.
Sep 13, 2007
dee_scraps says:
thank you all for joining my challenge, like you, kelsey's story moved me to tears. i wonder why she wasnt placed in foster care until the abuser could be found. they just sent her back. not even a thought. my aunt is a foster mom and takes in abused or "unwanted" children all the time. if only SOMEONE would have stood up for this little girl, SPOKE for her. well.... that is another story.
they probably passed off the bruises as "normal" and didnt even question the injuries, with todays technology, they can scan for deep tissue bruising, and even find the shape of a handprint or a fist from a blow to a child and measure it to prove who struck her. We know these tests are out there. also they could have tested for sexual abuse. the SYSTEM failed poor Kelsey. perhaps an overloaded or overworked system... i dont care about that excuse... still... in her darkest hour, they could have pulled her to safety.

i am deeply saddened
Sep 13, 2007
madzac says:
A huge thanku to dee_scraps for starting this group, making us all aware of this beautifal little angel. All of the repsonses and tribute pages for kelsey are perhaps in a small way helping us all to deal with the pain we feel even though she was not our child. It would only be my wish that somehow we could gather all these tribute and messages and send them to her broken dad, I know that i will be touched by Kelsey many times over. Having a small child the same age as kelsey, i shudder to think that anyone would even dare touch them, I swear i would kill them myself if ever anyone hurt my child whether it be a family member or not.

Rest in Peace Kelsey, just know sweetheart that we are all holding your hand and loving you.

Hugs from Australia
Sep 15, 2007
dee_scraps says:
to all that have entered the challenge, i have emailed Kelsey's grandmother about our tribute, and requested permission to add the pages to the photo gallery on her memorial page. thanks so much for your contributions, i have also posted the pages (all of them so far) on my piczo page for the world to see, and remember kelsey. the only way to stop child abuse it to send out a strong message. i am finding other places to post the pics, and will do so after the chllenge comes to an end.

thanks again for helping me, and letting theis tribute be so amazing.
Sep 15, 2007
Tina's Creations says:
I`m so troubled by Kelsey`s story, I watched the video and cried all the way through it,(even now) I`ve been thinking about this beautiful child and how unfair that she had to live through all that abuse! I agree with Kimberly Rea, we have to not hesitate and speak out agains abuse!!!! Knowing about it and doing nothing is criminal! What I`m most troubled about is, where was everyone, what were they doing, could something more have been done! I will remember this story and her precious face forever. What a great Challenge, her story must live on........
Sep 17, 2007
danic says:
I feel the same as everyone above. We should cherish our children and keep them from harm at all costs. Im Glad our Father above took her from the abusers. I just wish it was not under such circumstances.
Oct 3, 2007
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