Thank You- From Katy Bug's "Beffie"

BugsBeffie says:
I just got the message from Kathy about this beautiful tribute she created for our little bug. My name is Bethany [or to Katy "Beffie"] I took Katy and her sister Lyvie to school in the morning [I was a teacher there]..and am very close with their family. I remember when Katy's mom found out she was pregnant with her..and I remember when she finally arrived....I still looke for her in my rear view mirror at times. Katy made our life complete and there will always be a piece missing until we see her is because of people like Kathy and all of you that we are reminded of how many lives Katy touched...and still touches everyday.

I can't wait to tell her mom about this site! Katy's oldest sister Maddie, is actually spending the night at my house tonight to have a sleepover with my boyfriends daughter. At 10 years old she does whatever she can to keep her sister's memory alive and I know Katy is so proud of her. Lyvie seems completely lost without her other half [her & Bug were inseperable]...but even at 5 she makes sure everyone knows that Katy is her angel and is always with her.

Katy lit up my life for all of hers. She truly proved to be a little girl that is larger than life...and I am proud to be...and will always be...her "Beffie".

Thank You and God Bless you all!
Sep 12, 2007
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