I wish I could vote!

mcbrn says:
I am sorry folks - there are so many great pages, but voting ended today!
Sep 26, 2008
Erie Scrapper says:
I saw your great pages!!!! 10+ from me! Thanks.
Sep 10, 2008
shawtyp says:
I know this is not my challenge I just don't understand the reasoning behind having a challenge end 20 days after the voting ends.. Guess I should read things more clearly next time before I enter the challenge.
Sep 21, 2008
XenaPrincessWarrior says:
If the challenge ends September 30 why is the voting ended September 10. I don't get it? Poor members that joined and they got no votes on their pages. I think challenges have to be in
sequence together like ex: if a challenge starts October 1 - ends October 30th then the voting should start October 1 - ends October 30th. Same!!!!! Better that way...too early is no good if voted hasn't started then members/friends have to wait to vote...if the voting ends too soon then it's no good either before the challenge ends; just like in this case. Grrr....it's a no no. LOL
Sep 26, 2008
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