Challenge Requirements

Squeaky Scraps says:
I want to take this time to let everyone know, that entered a page into this challenge, that they are ALL very beautiful pages. I have given everyone 10cp plus 10 points a piece, so far, because I love everyone's pages. A lot of the journaling was very touching and the pages are so great. I also want to thank each and everyone of you for entering the challenge so far!!

With that being said, I want to say that a few days before the end of this challenge I will have to remove some pages because they do not have the "Challenge Requirements" on them. This is ONLY to be FAIR to those pages that DID follow the "Challenge Requirements" so that they may receive the awards since they did follow the rules.

Journaling is not just names and dates. Names and dates are labeling. Journaling is describing the page, photo, place or whatever. I hope that everyone will understand my reasoning for removing pages and not get their feelings hurt. I don't like hurting other persons feelings and I do like being fair.

Thank you,
Squeaky Scraps
Aug 15, 2008
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