A little innocent "Angel"

jezebel_ro says:
What i can not comprehend is that,I am a mother to,if necesary i would kill for my daughter,NEVER-EVER would harm her,not even slept her and she is 21 now,I always used the "talking"technics with her,and she turned out a smart,beautiful,sensitiv young woman!Please somene explain me how can one commit murder,how can someone kill their own child i will never understend...What can an innocent 4 year old do,to deserv this fate???When I saw her pictures,that angelic little face my heart broken to million pieces,my darling little 'ANGEL'my you find peace in Heaven!!!jezzy
Jun 28, 2008
jezebel_ro says:
Sorry ,2 years old
Jun 26, 2008
Lisadee says:
Jezzy, I sure don't understand this either. As somebody who will never be a mother, I find it hard to comprehend how somebody like this is given a child in the first place.
Jun 27, 2008
*****mattmom***** says:
Its when I read something like this that my faith in God is surely tested, children are a gift, to be nurtured and protected. I have an 18mth old son who I would die for in a heartbeat. Life without him is unimaginable. How someone could do this to any child is beyond me, but to their own is beyond comprehension. My parents had 11 children and I am sure they must had their hands full at times, yet I cannot remember them ever hitting us. Yet we all turned out Great. May she rest in peace in God' loving arms, for her short life on earth must have been pure hell.
Jun 28, 2008
*****mattmom***** says:
I just googled this story and it turns out that it wasn't her biological father who was involved but her stepfather. My heart goes out to her real father and grandparents.
Jun 28, 2008
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