Open the challenge for all members to vote please

Snug says:
I have written and asked the challenge owner if she will consider to change the voting system so all members can vote.
It will give the challenge much more life, it will be much more exciting and there are so many people out there who would love to vote.
Just my opinion.
Hugs, Snug
Nov 20, 2007
amazonia71 says:
hi girls , I hope you are very well, they have enjoyed a nice weekend.
The following message is the delivery by the following reason:
I take a few days of vacation and in my haste to take my stuff ready for the trip, I did not set that the challenge organize "show us, the christmas decoration in your home" made a mistake, the rules say that all can vote But I just allowed that the members of the vote challenge.
Today I allowed the vote is open to "everyone can vote" so indicated that the rules, ask an apology and continue to put more albums.Thanks and have a nice day.
Nov 20, 2007
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