Tesslyn's story

AlenaC says:
Tesslyn Elizabeth O'cull was murdered at the hands of her mother and her boyfriend when she was 3 years old. Her case is one of the WORST cases of child abuse you will ever read, if you search her name you can read her entire story if you have'nt already, I will warn you it is very graphic and disturbing.
Jul 9, 2009
harmony74 says:
I would be honored to make a page for her... I just got done reading the case file and was absolutely horrified and disgusted at what happened to that baby. Things like that should never happen in this world.
Jul 2, 2009
Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate says:
I saw the video of her story and the Memorial page ... I was not in the first challenge , but it's an honor to participate to this one ;
People can't let their eyes closed while such terrible things happens ( and they always happens )
Sometimes I think we are less than animals ; Even if their instinct makes them kill sometimes for playing like cats kills a mouse .But we are supposed to have some superiority in brain .. I guess "human" is just an empty word sometimes .
Jul 9, 2009
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