time for a little look-see

PoetryNMotion says:
5 o'clock in the afternoon and time to see what hunky dude is new to the group...nice to see such a mixture of great guys to 'oh' and 'ah' over. The next challenge will keep all our hearts racing. I hope there's a cool off period to calm the blood from this one.
May 26, 2009
DitzBitz says:
no cool off period, the Hunky Musicians Dudes will overlap this one by just a couple of days so get ready for more hot flashes! here's the link...... http://scrapbookflair.com/challenges/HUNKY_DUDES_Celebrities_Musicians....hope to see you all there!
May 22, 2009
belle15 says:
ROFL.... Yup I'm checking & voting on this challenge every morning! Helps to get the old heart started. LOL!
May 26, 2009
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