*** Verony*** says:
It was a great challenge but would have been nice to see the COC go to someone who has not already won a place.
Jun 2, 2009
KarynM says:
and it wasnt even a page that met the requirements. how does that work?

lifescrapper, its a great page and this is not about your page really, its about the challenge owner removing a page for having the words "you drink" instead of "ÿou're drinking" but allowing yours to stay and win even though it says "ÿou've had"
May 19, 2009
Fun-Scraps says:
The page that was removed is:

As you can see NO place on the 12x12 page is: You're Drinking Too Much Coffee When . . .
It was just a poem . So please let's get on with our happy lives
Jun 2, 2009
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