Thank You!

gypsykate says:
One of the reasons I thought of this challenge is because it's frustrating and painful to be around people battling with cancer - you don't know what to say, what to do, how you can help. Is there a way? Are there things, even little things, that can be done to bring a little comfort? I've a realtime friend who is a cancer survivor - while she was battling with it, she wanted to be left alone, while we wondered if this was indeed better for her; we didn't even know how much time and space we should give her. Recently, I learned that another realtime friend died from cancer a year ago, she died in isolation, many of us didn't even know she had cancer, she just cut all connections. I'm hoping that this challenge will inspire other people battling with cancer as well as help those who know people who are. Thank you to those who share their stories and thank you too to those who comment on scraps.
May 19, 2009
mommyj says:
Kate thank you for having this challenge. I hope there are more than just 2 of us that join here. I know of some going through Chemo and radiation are all survivors no matter if you are going through it now or in the past. It would be wonderful if this terrible disease would have a cure for all types ..wishful thinking on my part, but I pray for it everyday...
May 16, 2009
imforgven says:
Thank you Kate for this challenge.. Though I do not feel I had as much to offer as mommyj did.. I almost did not join this challenge but as a child going through this I didn't or at least I do not remember ever being afraid.. So many people go through such fearful diseases all alone I at least had a praying mother who knew what to do.. I think it was because of her faith that I did not feel afraid... Now that I am older I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ so I do not need to be fearful or afraid of cancer or anything else coming my way.. I know that God is in control so what ever He brings my way I know He will be there and see me through it... As mommyj said we are all survivors of something and someday we will no longer have to fear... Thank you again Kate for this challenge..
May 17, 2009
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