new and trying to learn

travis's mom says:

Jun 25, 2007
travis's mom says:
I saw this challenge and was very intrigued. Now i have the challenge kit and the Free digital software from this site but don't know how to combine the two so that i can start this challenge. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Jun 16, 2007
DebdeNewbie says:
Hi, Travis's Mom!
I suspect you're also going to need a photo or image editing program (such as PhotoShop or something similar) to enable you to colour the backgrounds and embellishments. Have just looked at the ScrapbookFlair software again ( I usually do all that in PhotoShop and then open my saved file in ScrapbookFlair), ... and couldn't figure out how to re-colour things: - which is not to say it can't be done, ... erm ... possibly just that I'm either quite inept, or having a lulu of a Seniors' Moment :oS
Jun 17, 2007
angelwithin says:
i believe you will have to use an graphics editing programme...i dont use the Flair software myself so im unsure whether it re-colours or not but there is a free programme called Gimp that you can download instead of buying an expensive graphics programme

fiona x
Jun 17, 2007
Carena says:
I used another program to but any program that will let you colour with transperancy will do it and perhaps something with a magic wand to select certain areas.. You can colour the hole object by making it more yellow, red etc.

Have fun it's worth the effort.
Jun 17, 2007
travis's mom says:
Thanks all for the help. Hoefully i can get it working and actually post a page!!

Jun 19, 2007
i_luv_my_camera says:
actually you CAN recolor stuff in the scrapbook flair software, it doesn't look as nice though - after you add an image (you have to click add image, it won't let you color an "embellishment") just click "edit image" then adjust the color using the button on the tool menu. This won't work if the image is partly transparent because that part will end up being colored. hope I am making sense! I agree using Gimp would be a good way to go, it is an awesome program although not quite as easy to use as some others. =) good luck!
Jun 19, 2007
travis's mom says:
Thanks cna
I got the gimp and you aren't joking about the not easy part. Playing with it a bit to see if its the software for me.

Once again thanks all!
Jun 20, 2007
i_luv_my_camera says:
if you would like help figuring some stuff out w/ Gimp, just send me a PM..
hope you're having fun!
Jun 20, 2007
Engineerswife says:
This is my first time trying something like this as well. Although I've been a PSP addict for some time making tags.. so now I'm trying to put my skills to use in digital scrapbooking.
Jun 25, 2007
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