Gerry R.C. Wright says:
What I did was right click on the picture and clicked on "copy." Then you can just paste in to whatever program you're using. I hope this helps! :-)
Mar 3, 2009
zanthia says:
I tried that - Both copy and copy image into PSE. it still does't work. Copy has no paste option and copy image gives a blank layer. I Use firefox. Any other suggestions? Thanks
Mar 4, 2009
gypsyj says:
If you click on the image to get a larger picture then right click on that to save picture make sure you click on the file type box to save it as all files otherwise if you save a gif it is a pain to convert it for use later I use firefox too and this always works for me
Mar 4, 2009
lindyloo_aus says:
That happened to me too..... another way you can do it is Ctrl PrntScreen and paste it to your paint program. Thats how I did it in the end.
Mar 4, 2009
Jacqueline7of7 says:
I forgot to click on the picture to make it bigger, that why it was so small when I saved it. Thanks, I will know for the next time.
Mar 5, 2009
zanthia says:
thanks, I had figured out about using print screen t get the picture. The spaceball.gif is a 43 byte file when you save it. It is transparent image that is stretched over the top of the image that is put on there by the user to block downloads. person has the option to allow or not allow downloads.
Mar 5, 2009
MaryWonder says:
I had the same problem with the 1st 2 photos I tried to download (which was a shame as the 1sr one was fantastic and would have made a great cover). Got lucky with the 3rd try.
Mar 17, 2009