a question

jorjasmama says:

May 16, 2007
jorjasmama says:
sorry psky childrens fingers....lol

i have a question...i like using white space on my layouts can i use it for this challenge or does the whole page have to be covered, i can use the black paper if i have to but the white looks better.....thought i would ask
May 14, 2007
Katlin's Mommy says:
yeah as long as it doesn't come from another kit. Hope that was helpful and sorry it took so long for me to answer. I am a very busy person. Smiles, Renee
May 15, 2007
jorjasmama says:
hi it doesnt matter i just poosted my layout and i used all your papers anyway....
May 15, 2007
MadMikkie says:
I have another question - are we permitted to manipulate the elements in the kit? Eg - gamma - slight alter the colour etc? Or does it have to be ONLY the pink and black as they are?
May 16, 2007
MadMikkie says:
I have another question - are we permitted to manipulate the elements in the kit? Eg - gamma - slight alter the colour etc? Or does it have to be ONLY the pink and black as they are?
May 16, 2007
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