FunkyFairyAnnie says:
OH wow< wow, AND WOW
Thanks so much to all that have joined my challenge so far, your pages are all fantastic and it's going to be so hard to pick Challenge Owners Choice, your pages just blow me away..
I appericate the time that all of you have taken to do this for me and my girls, they will be so happy when they see all these wonderful pages...
I myself havent been able to make new pages lately as i have lost all my software and finding it hard to get started again, plus very busy working, so i really appericate the time that you guys have put aside to do this for me, thanks again my dear friends..

p.s. Challenge Onwers Choice will not be final until the challenge is finished, i will just change the pages over to give everyone air time on the front, thanx Fairy hugs Annie,Kaila & Alyshia xxxxxx
Oct 19, 2008
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