great topic

goinscraphappy says:
like myself i knew something was wrong with my husband,but what was the question, unitll drastic measures had to be taken, thats when we found out he was bipolar.. a long two years of ups and downs..but stuck through it and now with his medication and counseling were doing fine. more people need to know that it's ok to be differnt and that there not alone.. i'm glad that you have done a topic on bipolar.. if you are biploar or not sure please seek medical attention as this is a very serious disease that can be treated. with the proper medical attention u can lead a normal and beautiful life. and it's nothing to be ashame of. millions of people live day to day with this disease or knows someone who dose.
Oct 19, 2008
gypsykate says:
i am glad your husband has found the right medication for him. i've chosen not to undergo medications but i've found ways of coping and riding it out - aromatherapy massages, music/singing, writing, and some things i'd rather not mention, do me a world of good but i agree that it is important for bipolar people to find the treatment that works for them. thanks for being part of this challenge.
Oct 16, 2008
goinscraphappy says:
he had too do something he was combative towards me..he was mean and he could not cope with it, it almost ruined or marriage. i'm glad your doing good aromatheraphy is great. i think writing is good for the soul. keep up the good work and spirits.
Oct 16, 2008
cleopup says:
I too need medication and even then I have to be constantly aware of my triggers. For me not being on medication is almost a death sentence as I become suicidal and once on that slippery slope it is hard to come back up. I am glad your husband and you are doing is tough on relationships!
Oct 19, 2008
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