How to color in the dark areas

Tmyers810 says:
Hi guys,
I joined this challenge to learn how to do coloring black and whites. This has been so much fun and I'm actually working on an anniversary project for my mother-n-law and father-n-law. You created a monster:) My question is. I'm having a hard time coloring in the dark areas. How is this done successfully? Thank you for any input:)
Oct 5, 2008
bee1995 says:
It's a trial & error thing. If you are using Photoshop for coloring you have to go really dark or really light depending on what your coloring.
Since your coloring over a photo the color looks different then the original color. I find it best to color wedding photos beacause there is ins't a lot of color expcet whties, blacks and some reds or pinks.
Make sure if your using Photoshop set your opacity to 70% and set each layer you make to Color Mode Bursh mode is also Color.
I'm so happy that you love it!
Happy coloring,
Oct 5, 2008
Tmyers810 says:
Thank you so much for answering my question. I love this site. I feel my in-laws will love their gift when I'm finished:) I have taken and studied all the pages in this challenge and I'm amazed at how beautiful the pages have turned out. Thanks again:)
Oct 5, 2008
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