Please read challenge requirements before posting your page.

Penabby says:
Hi everyone

I hate to do this but I will be removing some pages from the challenge as they do not meet the challenge requirements.

Please make sure your page is new and made especially for this challenge.

Also only one page per person


Penabby xxx
May 9, 2007
Penabby says:
change to requirements, one per child instead of one per person.
Apr 27, 2007
MadMikkie says:
I'm just wondering - and it's not sour grapes btw - but when people set up challenges - could they remind people that to vote in the challenge - it's different from 'voting' for the scrap page? I get lot of regular points - but when it comes to the challenges - sometimes don't rise above 10. And I've caught myself sometimes voting for someone when looking at the large version of the image - which isn't then included in the challenge I gotta go back and re-vote....that's fine because I generaly only vote for those that catch my eye - if I don't like something - I don't vote....but if the pix or the layout catch the eye - I do.

I just wonder how many people do what I used to - without realising it.....
May 9, 2007
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