My mistake...

CandidMoon says:
I'm sorry I posted my page "Mother" in the challenge. Because I spend so much time on the computer, my step-son wanted to have some fun and quality time with me. He saw this challenge and he asked me to help him make a page for me, and post it here, as a present for my upcomming Birthday and for Mother's Day.
I know it wasn't my page for my mom or grandma, it was just a little boy's page for his STEP-MOM.
We (my step-son and I) didn't mean to offend no one, and I'm really sorry if we did.

Good Luck Everyone
Have Fun...

Apr 19, 2007
mommys3angels says:
I wanted this challenge to be for the people of scrapbook flair to make a page for their Mothers or Grandmothers. Their are MANY other challenges where You or your children can express your creativity. I just want this challenge to be something for our mothers or grandmothers. I'm sorry i didn't mean to offend anyone. Someone is more then welcome to start a challenge of "Mothers Day Pages from our Children" or something. Again i'm sorry.

This is the requirements:

Mothers Day Pages ( Edit Challenge Settings )
MOthers day is fast approaching. Why not make a page for that special mom in your life! I would like all the people of scrapbook flair to create a page about YOUR mothers. Can be a poem, picture or both. Just create something for one of the most important people in the world! Have fun and enjoy!
Challenge Requirements:
Limit 2 pages per scrapper. can include your mother and grandmother, or just your mother! It can be a page you have already done!
Apr 18, 2007
CandidMoon says:
you are a wonderful person, this challange is great, and because i had to deal with an angry kid i posted this topic... I'M SORRY...
i'm going to start a new challenge later today and if you don't mind i'm going to use "Mothers Day Pages from our Children" as the name.

Apr 19, 2007
mommys3angels says:
I think that is a great idea. It will show us how creative our children can be. And it will give them a way to express themselves and spend time with their moms. Can't wait to see the challenege:)
Apr 19, 2007
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