Challenge Points Vs Current points and views

jennybosch says:
I would like someone to explain to me how you get double the amount of challenge points as views on your personal pages where the scrap is displayed. It's impossible to obtain all these points through speed voting. Amazed and confused.
Jul 24, 2008
Scrappy Lou says:
I would like to know who this could happen myself. Surely this is not the first time.
Jul 23, 2008
mystic_mom says:
I'm so new here I'm still posting pages too late for any chance of either type of points :-)

I'd like a clear idea of how it works...let me know when you find out! Thanks for including me in the discussion...
Jul 23, 2008
caylalily says:
As far as I know when you start a challenge all postings start out at zero and remain a separate total from the personal pages.

If everybody that views your page casts a vote of 10, all you need is 10 people to achieve 100 points. If what you are describing is different than this I would like to know myself.
Jul 23, 2008
DitzBitz says:
That's the only way I can see how it could happen is by speed voting. I've only been here since February. Do we have a lot of members with jobs outside the home? I work 8:00-5:00 Mon thru Fri & share an apt. with my grown son so don't have to cook dinner, tend to kids, etc. I make the time to vote on pages as well as challenge pages, but maybe a lot of people don't have as much time for this as some others. I don't know. That's the only thing I can think of that could be a reason.
Jul 23, 2008
Late_Bloomer says:
I'm not sure I understand . I do get confused when one page is
entered into more than one challenge.
Jul 23, 2008
lilprincessqt says:
I'm not sure I completely understand the original question but you can get challenge points without someone looking at your page (therefore not increasing your views) which I think has been pointed out before here, either though speed voting or voting in the challenge but not vising the page and giving personal points.

I am also amazed when one page shoots off into first place and I do not understand that either, I recently had it happen to one of my own pages, I was way far ahead of all others in the challenge by like 100 points until the last few days when two others caught up and passed me leaving me in third place...

I think whether the voting is open to everyone or just challenge members affects challenge points as well... although, people can still always join the challenge just to vote without posting a page so this doesn't exactly keep it 'fair' either... don't know what else say, sorry! Hope these responses helped a little!
Jul 23, 2008
lilprincessqt says:
Sorry, I just thought of more I'd like to say... I sometimes feel there are certain members here who's pages are always at the top of challenges and I don't know if this is because people honestly like their pages or just vote because they like the person... I sometimes don't vote for these people just because I know their pages will take off without my vote and it doesn't seem fair... we should all judge each page individually and not vote just because of who made it. I sometimes feel I make great pages but I know I won't win because I'm not as 'popular' as others... I apologize if this offends anyone.
Jul 23, 2008
jezebel_ro says:
Hi everyone,I usually do not participate in this discussions because i am quite an understanding person and i can picture myself in every persons shoes,my point is : speed voting in my opinion is the anserw,it happened to me as well i do get points, a lot of wiews, but not to many comments,i mentioned this in my Thank You page,do not get me wroang of course i`m pleased for the points,but it puzzled me a while,but then i read a topic in the forum and it made sense...speed voting!I know it is anoing this issue,i`ve been in first place long time in challenges then i`ve got 3 place or no place at all,but i don`t mind,what makes me happy is creating my pages,knowing that their bring joy and happiness to people,i did get gorgeous feedsbacks from a couple of my pages,that they did not get a lot of chp and vice versa,to me this matters more than anything else...!
Jul 24, 2008
Rae Ann says:
The views are counted when you click on the thumb nail to go to the scrapbook detail page. So, when you vote in a challenge, either in the challenge directly or speed voting in the challenge, it does not count as a view to the page. So, even if the page is being viewed in the challenge, it will not add to the pages overall views.

We have discovered some irregular voting in this challenge. Usually the system flags the irregularity in time so we can act before the challenge ends. Since this challenge has ended, we may not be able to fix it. Just remember the challenges are here to have fun and for everyone to challenge themselves.
Don't get too caught up in the points.
Jul 24, 2008
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