LadyShannon says:
Download template here: http://www.4shared.com/file/55582261/a34ff231/CoffeeTumblerTemplate.html

Jul 26, 2008
tulip_designs says:
The template is a .psd file and can not be used by those of using paint.net or the flair software.
Jul 24, 2008
Scrappy Lou says:
I really don't understand.
Do you have to use your template?
Does it have to be a tumbler or can we use a regular coffee cup?
Jul 24, 2008
tulip_designs says:
It must be the tumbler, one of those travel coffee mugs...Just use a page already posted as a template. That's what I did.
Jul 24, 2008
LadyShannon says:
Use what you like.... I have a template and can convert it to a PNG file for any who may want it
Jul 24, 2008
Scrappy Lou says:
I have already converted the template, but just had a coffee cup that I was wanting to use. Maybe another challenge will come up later on so I can use the cup. Thanks for getting back with me so soon.
Jul 24, 2008
trishie says:
lady shannon you said use what you like, but then you deleeted my page i took a photo of my insert what was rong with the page
Jul 26, 2008
LadyShannon says:
Yes I know I did... but since everyone else is using the template it is only fair to all the others. Again I hated to remove it but since all the other pages were in the template fashion then it is the fair thing to do. Again i hope your not upset with me.
Jul 26, 2008
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