How interesting

kiwigirl06 says:

Jul 16, 2008
kiwigirl06 says:
I have been voting all along in this challenge but have never voted for a page that has over 200 points while many better have 80.
something fishy here.
It's nice to win a challenge and we all have our personal favorites but winning isn't what it's about. Kiwi's are known for fair play, a level playing field so just feel that those that are in the eighty point range deserve those points given from others who appreciate the page. And those that have more are suspect.

Jul 16, 2008
kiwigirl06 says:
I have been voting all along in this challenge but have never voted for a page that has over 200 points while many better have 80.
something fishy here.
It's nice to win a challenge and we all have our personal favorites but winning isn't what it's about. Kiwi's are known for fair play, a level playing field so just feel that those that are in the eighty point range DESERVE those points given from others who appreciate the page. And those that have more are suspect.

Jul 16, 2008
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