Just to Clarify - What is a scraplift?

kezcreates says:
I have had a couple of people ask what exactly a scraplift IS. Here is an online definition:

""Scraplifting (skrap-lift-ing) ? The act of copying ideas and designs from another person?s scrapbook page to use in your own pages. Designs or ideas can be copied in whole or in part and is largely subjective." from Scrapjazz.com

My personal thoughts are that you can either 'copy' a layout down to the minute details, or you can use ideas from it (such as the specific layout, embellishments, etc) and create your own page based on what you saw and liked in the original layout. Sometimes it ends up looking like a totally different piece of work, and sometimes it is a pretty close rendition :) Either way, it is proper to credit who you got the design ideas from and it's fun to share the differences we all come up with when adding our own personal touch. Chances are, everyone has some ideas they have seen in a magazine, online, etc and it's pretty simple to make it your own creation. Or you might like a page SO much, you just have to re-create every detail :)
Jun 16, 2008
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