Surrogate Mommy Here!!

megamommy8880 says:
Hi all you lovely ladies! (And gents!) I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck in having your babies soon!! I am a surrogate mom, and know first hand how hard it is for many, MANY people to get to that point. Be strong! Just wanted to tell you all that I wish you luck and love! ~Megs
Jun 6, 2008
missmel says:
Thank you megamommy8880 your words are perfect and you are doing a wonderful job helping so many families that wouldn't be able to have children if it was for someone like you. Unfortunately surrogacy is illegal in Australia and I just hope one day soon that the government can see what a wonderful gift this is.
Jun 5, 2008
momykitty says:
i think its not legal in france too but some do for their sister or some like that and its a good beginning
Jun 6, 2008
megamommy8880 says:
Well that sucks that it is illegal anywhere! Surrogacy is a wonderful thing! And sometimes, you need someone else to carry your baby for you. The mom that I got to carry for was born without a uterus, so she had to use a surro. Hopefully, it will be legal everwhere! I wonder if it legal to have a US surrogate carry for an Australian mom, etc? Maybe just not an Aussie surro? Anyway, I hope you all get sweet babies soon! Or enjoy the ones you already have!! Love to you all, Meg
Jun 6, 2008
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