This Is A SICK Topic

TracySW says:
I feel so nauseated in my stomach that anyone could even think about hosting a challenge like this. I truly hop you dont go ahead with it
May 26, 2008
Mimi_ says:
I would rarely comment but have you picked a cause I feel very strongly about. I have to agree with TracySW. Being involved in the prevention arena working for change, support services etc., the first rule is not to "victimize the victims!" further. This is a very sensitive subject & much of the information is prohibited from use without consent. I too also hope someone rethinks going forward with such a challenge.
May 6, 2008
ness86 says:
May 17, 2008
lindyloo_aus says:
I can see both your points, but I also think it's a way for families to pay tribute to someone they have lost tragically. I cannot see how Ness has offended anyone, I'm sure she was thinking along the same lines as me.
May 22, 2008
PubsAngels says:
I feel Ness has done nothing wrong. Sometimes it helps to remember the victims and it is part of the healing process. It shows your are not alone. This can happen to any one at any time.
May 23, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
I, too, feel very strongly about this cause and the abuse intailed in the lives of the victims also left behind and hopefully remembering will be a purpose to their Healing and they are able to productivly GO ON in LIFE.
God Bless their Tributes as their families remember their loved ones and perhaps are able to make a difference in the lives of someone elses.
May 26, 2008
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