Please POST Your QUESTIONS Here!

KimberlyRae says:
Please post any questions you may have, here so other's can benefit also. THANKS a BUNCH!
May 12, 2008
mommyof7 says:
Thanks for the invite! But I dont even know how to do animation in my scraps yet. Is there any sites I can find to learn?
Thanks Heather
Apr 23, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Well let's see~I just up loaded (what I call a complex page...hee) and it was 720x720px 12x12inches and 60dpi so I thought the Largest should be 700x700, 12x12 and 72dpi. I hope this answers your question dear?
Apr 23, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Oh! I on Flair I have had 3600x3600 and 300dpi and uploaded with NO problem.

BUT please stick to the Requirements ok dear.

Reason for this size in the Requirements is to be viewed more quickly when other click on your page to see the animation. That was the person viewing does Not have to Wait. Instand Satisfaction , if you will...ha. Thank you for your understanding.
Apr 24, 2008
Pokkie says:
Thank you for the invite. I just want to know: "must the pages be 700x700, or can they be smaller like 600x600 or 500x500?
Apr 28, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Pokkie~ yes, just nothing OVer 700x700.
Apr 28, 2008
luvfromindia says:
hello there....its great that you are encouraging all at sbf to try our hand at animation.. Do tell us where we could find info on how to animate page. Thanks. Rhoda
Apr 29, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
The idea of this challenge is to ANIMATE your OWN page. Please do NOT use Anyone elses ANIMATION works but your own. We are 'Challenging' our own work and ourselves.

Apr 29, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Please remember The idea of this challenge is to ANIMATE your OWN page. Please do NOT use Anyone elses ANIMATION works but your own. We are 'Challenging' our own work and ourselves. I do not want to Remove anyone's page...please adhere to the challenge requirements. Thanks a bunch!

Apr 29, 2008
apupplo says:
Hey Kim... I went to that site you told me about a couple weeks ago when I was inquiring about animation and was able to animated one of my pages. However, I tried to animate a piece of it and place it into a page and it will not animate. Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong? Do I need to finish the page then enter the animation? I'm confused... all I wanted to do was add a waving flag. The one I was able to animate... I will be adding to the challenge; however, I would like to know how to go farther if you could help.

thanks so much
ps... the site you sent me to was
Apr 29, 2008
I would like to reply/help Apupplo simply 'cause there's an easier way to add already animated littlg .gifs to pages that of course are not copyrighted & can be used for personal use!

Don't know what programs are you using but here it goes...
The best program/software to use to combine/compile animations of created scrapbooks/pages is Ulead GIF Aniamtor 5 (or version higher)

This what can be done to add a flag to your page:
1. Search google for animated flags (they must be transparent/ & not copyrighted) save all the ones you find to your PC - to a folder called Animated Flags
2. Do your scrapook page as you usually do with whatever software you already use ex: scrapbookflair program or other.
3. Then once you have completed your page with all of your added elements, backgrounds, photos etc, SAVE IT, then you bring that page/scrapbook (it has to be less then 1000x1000 in size widthxheight or else the program won't take the page) to Ulead Gif Animator 5.

Apr 29, 2008
4. Open the Ulead program > go to file > open image >
open the scrap page ...make sure that your scrap page is frame 1
5. Then go to > file > add image > go to your folder where you have saved all of your animated tranparent flags gifs. and select the one to be added
6. Now, if you have chosen one flad that has perhaps 6 frames of animation then the program will create automatically 5 more frames and will add each & every frame of the animated flad to each frame repeated with your scrap page.
7. Once that is done then you preview it...if you don't like it then you can in each frame move the flag one by one to selected area in the scrap page you would like it to be placed...make sure the size stays the same (don't touch that) just make sure the position is calculated in the same position ex: the flag is placed at left 56 & top 200..then each and every frame the flag should be placed in the same way. Understand me so far?
8. Once that is done preview it again...
Apr 29, 2008
9. Again if you don't like it let's say the speed of the flag...the you click on each and every frame & change the frame properties (that's the speed calculation of the animated flag.
10. Per say one frame the speed is at 0.1 (10 seconds) if you want it slower then you go higher on the speed to maybe 15 or 11...And so on. You do this with each frame.
12. Preview it again...if you still don't like it then better yet do this (without closing that window of the program)...if you want to keep the same speed of the flag originally saved...then open the another Ulead Gif Animator window...go to file > open image > go to your animated flag folder > select the same flag you open before in the other window used > open image > & use the same frame properties ex: lets say the flag has 6 frames of 15 seconds each...then on the other window where you scrap is start with the first frame and change the frame on each & every frame to 15 sec. each instead.
13. Once completed this task...con't...
Apr 29, 2008
14. Once completed this task and have changed all the frame properties in your scrap window of Animator...then preview it. The animation plays the same way at the same speed as you have saved to start with. The only difference is it's positioned in the area that you wanted in your page. Then preview the whole thing.
Like it? If not, then you have to keep repeating this task until you're satisfied.
15. Once it's done. Save the file as .uga back it up in case you want to get back to it sometime and change things around, or just to keep for future reference/proof of your graphics.
16. Thenn last but least SAVE it as a .gif file and save it a folder of FX Scrapbooks (whatever you might call it)

*Now, that's how you add a already made animated flag .gif to your scrap using this program. Now if you don't have this program then DUNNO!
There's always Animation Shop 3 you can use, but you cannot do these effects with it. The program is more for compiling a animation. Con't...
Apr 29, 2008
Talking about Animation Shop 3 : is more of a compiler and to put together pictures on pictures together and make always like a slide show but in a animation way. is good for certain things (re: to animations) but sometimes there's limitations. I don't understand how exactly you did or what you uploaded or what your intentions were on how to; but perhaps Kimberly can help you on that one knowing that she's the one who sent you there to start with.
The best way is to have the 2 programs mentioned and you can do add anything and everything to you scrap pages...just the program does not do the animations for you. You still have to work on it and calculate alot. But trust me it's very easy to use once you get the hang of it. There's demos on the net you can try. Animation Shop is freeware. You can download that! The Ulead GIF Animator is not free. I don't know the newer version for I have the older one puchased. That's it. I hope all of this helps.
Apr 29, 2008
*If you have this program then follow the steps I just mentioned here and you will be amazed by your own creations/you will learn alot in no time!
Okay dear gotta go. Enough said! Take care and visit me sometime. Bye for now.

PS Just trying to help as much as I's not easy to explain in writing though. LOL LOL
Apr 29, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
I guess I need to CLARIFY one more time. Please stick to the Challenge Requirements! I want pages that are 12x12 and 700x700 this way we can all SEE them and they don't take Forever to load.
Thank You. ox
Apr 29, 2008
Meddy1965 says:
I tried to upload a page that is too big, I can only load the size requirements in KB or MB so not sure what that is in Pixels or inches, does anyone know
May 10, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Hello Meddy
Yes, 700x700 pixels and SQUARE in size.
Thank you....looking forward to your page oxox
May 11, 2008
Meddy1965 says:
I know what it is in pixels but my editing programme does the size in Bytes but wasn't sure how to convert it
May 11, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Meddy, I see you have all 12x12" pages this is right! Just put to 72 resolution . sorry that 's all I know I will google and see if I find anything.......maybe someone else knows convertion of pixels to bytes???
May 12, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Ok, Meddy~
I know this much...ha
700 pixels=89.7 Megabytes
hope this helps, dear ox
May 12, 2008
KimberlyRae says:
Additional info:
12X12 INCHES or
864X864 PIXELS and
May 12, 2008
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