New Feature Added - View Icons Actual Size

Rae Ann says:
Since it is hard to imagine what these icons will look like actual size, we have added a feature so you can view these icons actual size before you vote. Click on 'vote for scrapbooks'. You will see a link in the right menu that says 'vote for all scrapbooks'. When you click on this link you will be able to view the pages icon size. So, make sure you take this into account when you vote. Enjoy!
Apr 20, 2008
mommyj says:
My icon is gone...It is not here or in the preview...Judy
Apr 20, 2008
mommyj says:
Rae Ann, I resubmitted my icon, I think this happened when I changed the size of it and reuploaded it with the same name last night. The smaller one was still there when I looked this morning and had challagne votes on it. So I am starting from Scratch again. If this is not OK, please let me know and I will delete it.
Apr 20, 2008
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