kittycate5 says:
Is anyone else having trouble voting? I can't vote on any of the pages??
May 2, 2008
amazonia71 says:
Well, the time for voting ends today,so anyone else can´t vote.I dont understand why the time for vote ends before the challenge ends???
Apr 15, 2008
shawtyp says:
I don't understand either I just came to vote on newly posted pages and the voting ended already but the challenge doesn't end till May 4 th. that doesn't make any sense at all
Apr 17, 2008
Mully says:
Why cant we vote?? This seems a little starnge
Apr 25, 2008
limeynana says:
maybe a mistake was made somewhere.....maybe we will be able to vote later when the challenge ends here's hoping anyway
May 2, 2008
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