
shutterbug018 says:
According to the rules set up by you for this challenge the voting is supesed to continue until April 20/08 and the " winners" have already been posted as such on their homepages. Is the voting still open? I do not feel that it is such a good idea to have the voting hehd back until near the end of posting pages as people do not remember to go back and vote! How about puting up a reminder page for everyone to see if the voting is still open.
Apr 13, 2008
Cindee says:
same here i made a page for it, wasted all that time and effort only to see the challenge had already ended and yet the voting date is still several days off???? I think it's best to go back to the tried and true methods sbf started out with myself!
Apr 13, 2008
leah 77 says:
Sorry about that. I am only very new to this site (and computing too) and I think that was my mistake that I only realised after the fact and when I tried to go back and change it I couldn't.
This is the first challenge I have ever done, and have now learnt from this.
Apr 13, 2008
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