Trouble Voting?

Tinkerbell72 says:
I am having so much hassell voting and making comments on the beautiful pages, sometimes its worse than others.
It really is becoming more and more effort each day, refresh/reload again and again and again.

Some LO's I havent been able to vote on or make a comment as the site seems frozen alot!

Mar 5, 2007
. Nayyan Chandler says:
yes, that's the website...I hope it gets better soon. :)
Mar 5, 2007
Kimbamor says:
I found if you look at the pages and put comments on regular the go to challenge and vote there witout opening thepages it doesn't get as stuck. Could be my wishfull thinking but hey it helps thinking it's quicker. IF it doesn't start to load in a few sec I go back then forward rather then reload, or stop and then clik my vote again. Some times it is just busy. Hope that helps.
TTFN Kimbamor
Mar 5, 2007
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