can the page be about a child that has been kidnapped but we do not know if she is alive still or not?

Mistigri says:
There's an 10 year old girl, near my parents house that has been abducted, she is now 11, even if her poster is all over the place, even if so many people from all over the place tries to find her,pos her poser or make pages on the web, that little girl is still missing since July... We do not know what happened to her, we do not know if she is still alive.. we do not know if she has been hurt or what.. but can I still make a page for her? Maybe it could help....
Dec 9, 2007
rev-0-lution says:
mistigri, go for it :-) This challenge is for all children that have had any wrong done by them.
Dec 9, 2007
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