dfsumner says:
Ok TWINSMUUMY had a couple of pages that were showing double, I emailed her and we took one off, unfortunately it took BOTH off so if you voted on her page please go back and revote as I am having her repost the page, the other that is showing double will stay double!
If we have any more that posts double they will also stay doubled.

Again please revote on twinsmummys page.


Jan 24, 2007
doodlebug says:
unable to vote on twinsmommy's crotondam, keeps saying error on page, I have tried at least 5 times, always the same thing. Thanks Debbie, and everyone has done awesome pages.
Jan 24, 2007
dfsumner says:
ok will see what we can do
Thanks we want eveeryone to have a fair chance.

Jan 24, 2007
dfsumner says:
ok I delted and she will repost so please go back and vote when it is back up

Jan 24, 2007
dfsumner says:
Ok guys Chrisg had the same thing happen so please go vote on her page as soon as she gets it put back in, do not know why this is happening but you can not vote when it does. Please go vote!
Jan 24, 2007
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