dee_scraps says:
Does everyone know how to vote or WHAT????

i was just looking at pages, and i noticed some really nice pages. they had vote of 2 on them... TEN is a good vote, ONE is a bad vote. what is the deal?

1 is bad
10 is good

do they think that 1 is good?

i dont understand why anyone would give a vote of 1 or 2 unless they dont understand...
Nov 28, 2007
Fancee Flair says:
I hear you and agree!!!
Nov 8, 2007
Yeskitas says:
I agree too
Nov 9, 2007
MaggieM says:
I have 134 points.......does that mean I had 2 votes with 2's or 4 votes with 1 or 1 vote with 3 and 1 vote with 1, or 1 vote of 4? Or more combinations than I can think of. I could have had somewhere along the line 4 votes of 9? There is any number of ways you can see a 1 or a 2 there.
Nov 14, 2007
LADY LUNA 2000 says:
Please, I believe voting is a personal matter. If you vote the same way all the time, then I think it averages out. Anyway, the votes arent the most important thing. Its the craft and the love of the hobby and the creativity and the design process. Not to mention the beautiful photography. And just look a those babies!!!!
Nov 17, 2007
Nova1981 says:
I agree with you, i just noly see it here but evrywhere.
Nov 17, 2007
crazy_tinkerbell says:
The votes are suppose to be opinion right? So if someones opinion is that a page is a 1 or 10 is merely thier choice right? How can you tell that someone voted a 1 or a 2 anyway. I cant see what people vote for me.

Nov 18, 2007
Fancee Flair says:
Here is a insert from SBF's site rules:
CONSISTENT LOW VOTING. It is discourteous and also inappropriate to give consistently low votes (3 or less) to most scrapbooks, particularly if they are all the same Member's pages. If you really don't like someone's work, better to adhere to the adage: better to say nothing, please. In any case, consistent low voting is prohibited by the Site Rules as it discourages creativity and you can lose your membership over it – please don't do it.
So - if someones opionion is so little reguarding a page they are suppose to keep it to themselves instead of bringing a fellow members self worth down by making them feel that thier work is not worthy of posting. And you can often see low votes because it is the first vote posted on a new page.
Nov 20, 2007
shawtyp says:
I agree, I have noticed that on other challenges also, It upsets me when I see a vote of one or two on my pages... I understand that it is a challenge, but all the same... I grew up with the saying do unto others as you would have done to you
Nov 24, 2007
MaggieM says:
Whoever is voting low is doing it to aggrevate those who are seems to be working. So maybe we should just let whoever they are, vote their way, and the rest can vote their way. I'm sure, whoever they are, are a minority. After all, voting is a democratic right in this country. And the way people vote is part of that right. That's why the voting scale says 1 to 10. As so many's not the votes that really count, it's the enjoyment we get out of creating our pages and looking at others.
Nov 28, 2007
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