Thank you!

Sooze says:
I got back from Scotland last night, after going there for Dad's funeral. I wanted to relax a little this afternoon and thought SBF would be the place to do that....and I was stunned to see this challenge. I want to say a HUGE thank you to Lis for thinking of starting the challenge and to each of you who have taken the time and effort to enter it. I will treasure each and every page. Your thoughtfulness and talent are greatly appreciated and it means so much to me to know that I have such caring friends here on SBF. Thank you, everyone. Hugs, Susan
Oct 4, 2007
MissLilly says:
Ohhh Sooze Its great to hear that you are doing ok I have been thinking of you Take Care mate love Lilly xox
Oct 3, 2007
Sooze says:
Thank you Lilly! I can't put into words how much it means to me that people I have never even met have been so kind, thoughtful and caring. I will never forget how supportive you have all been.
I have just looked at the the pages and left comments for everyone. It was very difficult for me, as Dad has only been gone for two weeks tomorrow and so many of the pages really touched my heart and made me cry...but I am truly thankful for all the expressions of sympathy, encouraging words, prayers and friendship.
Hugs, Susan
Oct 4, 2007
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