Tips on making frames

simsage says:
Some of you may not know how easy it is to make these frames.
I have not tried Elements 12 yet,
but using Elements 6, I first selected a paper or BG, you can use Anything, then in the Edit mode, go to the Cookie cutter tool, scroll down till you get to frames, select a frame you like, Make sure you have the Feather section set to 0, then click on the paper/BG and draw the tool across it, you will see the frame on a transparent bg. A tip is to use the thicker/more intricate looking frames. They come out really pretty.
Sep 2, 2016
simsage says:
I f you have a question, you can email me at

Aug 31, 2016
Xguern66 says:
Simone as an added tip I first put my frames on different coloured/patterned back grounds cut them out, saved as GIF and then brought them on to my dark background. PSE11 .
Sep 2, 2016
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