Ways to do this with other programmes??

Xguern66 says:
If anyone can help with ways to do this with programmes other than PS/PSE can you post it here please - seems there could be problems for some members. I do hope they can get help.
Aug 18, 2016
valrushton says:
I have Serif Craft Artist which has the punch tool so I presume it's ok to use that.
Aug 17, 2016
Tersia63 says:
I also have Craft Artist and it is the punch tool like Val said.
Aug 18, 2016
Xguern66 says:
Yes ladies any tool that will cut out a shape. I think the difference is what can be added to the cookie cutter shape (see the tutorial in the other comment I wrote). You will see in my icon page that the tool was very similar to a mask and added parts of the photo around the shape - I would love to see this but then of you haven't got the tool then it can't be done - so I will accept all cut-out shapes. Joce
Aug 18, 2016
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