number of votes???????

Xguern66 says:
I can't believe the number of votes in this challenge. Even if everyone of the 41 entries gave each page 5 votes the totals would be 205 - so surely the winner should have a lot more than they have. Oh dear I don't think we are ever going to overcome this lethargy to vote for anyone else but yourself. I know quite a few speed vote but not enough.
Mar 5, 2016
valrushton says:
There were 19 members, plus the host so the maximum number of votes, assuming you voted for yourself, is 200. As you say don't think we are going to overcome this. I always remind members a day before voting ends, but it makes no difference! Such a pity when there are such fabulous pages entered which have obvious had a lot of work put into them.
Mar 5, 2016
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