Life Today as a Teen..... How do you think teens today have it harder and easier than you did when you were a teen??

trekkiedrew says:
I think teens today have it easier because they have less resposibility and more entertainment than we did as kids, but they have it harder because peer pressure is so much harder to deal with and so much more is expected of them in school today!!
Sep 24, 2007
Meddy1965 says:
Yes, Yes Yes lol
All my daughter cares about is her makeup, and what her friends think.
I realise now how much I used to do for both my teenagers.
Her bedroom is a tip.
I find they have so much to do now that they are always bored. Too much choice I think...
I always had to entertain myself.
Peer pressure is definately a problem for teenagers today without a doubt. x
Sep 8, 2007
MarilynZ says:
To be honest, I wouldn't want to be a teen today. The peer pressure has gotten a lot worse and the schools are not as safe as when I went to school.. They have everything and still say they are bored lol .. I keep my kids very active in sports ..seems to keep them out of trouble.. lol *knock on wood*
Sep 24, 2007
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