Your perception of "heavy metal"

mof7 says:
Your list forgot to show:

Original movement: 1967-1979
In the late 1960s a number of bands began pushing the limits of Blues rock into a new genre which would be called Heavy metal.[1][2] By the early eighties the heavy metal genre began a slow division into various sub-genre categories to better describe the stylistic differences that were growing out of the original heavy metal movement. And by the end of the 1970s many of the earliest heavy metal bands had long since disbanded. Some of the bands included in the original movement

Aerosmith has not been considered heavy metal for 20 years! They may have started out that way but have evolved through the years.
Sep 6, 2007
ACMommy28 says:
Totally agree!!!!
Sep 5, 2007
scrappydooo says:
Aerosmith is not heavey metal...i agree!
Sep 5, 2007
mof7 says:
I just have to wonder why this "rule" of meeting all challenge requirements is not enforced in ALL challenges??
Sep 5, 2007
TracySW says:
Rules are Rules. Why they make them in the challenges if they don't want to live up to them beats me!
Its up to the challenge owner I suppose and their friends post layouts so they don't like to offend by sticking to their rules and deleting their layouts. After all it might affect their own points!!!!LOL
There is an interesting discussion going on in the forums about it.

Sep 5, 2007
mof7 says:
I wouldn't mind the enforcement part if it were done across the board. Not just a pick and choose deal......... I have no problem with rules as long as they are equally enforced.
Sep 5, 2007
DJ-Sammi says:
I thought it was quite easy to define whats heavy metal or not. I guess its a persons perception of it, in my case I personally can't stand the stuff and as a challenge owner I thought I had the right to enforce the rules as I see fit.

Just because a band has 'disbanned' does that change their music! I don't think so.
But thats my opinion and I am entitled to it.
As others are entitled to theirs. I don't think there is any need to attack other members for their opinions either.

I have been sent a message from a sbf member who has not joined this challenge stating that there are other groups posted that are heavy metal, I didnt think they were, especially Blondie. I am going to check out the others though, they are Bon Jovi and Scissor sisters. thought they were just rock bands

anyway, you can always start up a heavy metal challenge if its important to you.

Sep 6, 2007
mof7 says:
No thank you. I am done with challenges.
Sep 6, 2007
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