Thank you all for participating

SBF Friends says:
The Pivotal Moments in your life challenge has ended. I want to thank you all for entering your amazing pages. Your stories are wonderful. I knew we had fantastic people on this site, but now we get to see a little of what moment have impacted you.
Jennie is a little embarrassed to have won a challenge she co-hosted. Hours before it ended she wanted to prevent herself from winning. What a modest scrapper. I think her pages were a heart felt honest reflection of her past and I, for one, am in awe of how well she was able to depict those moments in her life in such a sincere and tender way. Pages that can move you to tears or joy are powerful. Now we can see how strong of a person she must be. I told her that the votes of the other scrappers should dictate what page wins and we can’t take away their choice. I am glad you enjoyed her pages, I know she put a part of herself in them, and at times it was hard for her to complete that project. I think a quote form Publius Terence explains it best, “Fortune favors the brave!”
I want to congratulate all our participants and thank you again for you wonderful work. Participation is the key to life: live, do, and have fun! :)
Sep 3, 2007
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