Uploaded 2 pages as a Single Entry

oklahomadawn says:
1. Go to your own homepage and scroll about halfway down. On the right you will see a button that says "Upload"...click on it.

2. A page will open that asks for the title of your entry. After typing in the name click on the "next" button

3. A new page will open with boxes that say "upload file" and at the end of the box is a button that says "browse". Click on the browse button and go to your folder that has your scrap pages.

4. The first page you want to click on is the scrap you made with the extracted image. Click once on the page then click on the "open" button.

5. Repeat step 4 for the second scrap you made in any style you wanted.

6. Now check the box that you have the right to upload these pages and follow the prompts to upload to your home page.

7. Next go to the challenge and click on the button that says "Post Your Scrapbook".

8. A new page will open with all the scraps you have uploaded to your homepage.

9. Both of the scrap you just uploaded will show up individually, but you want to ONLY check the scrap that used the extracted image - DO NOT check both pages. Since you uploaded them together by checking just one they will enter the challenge together as a single entry.

10. After checking just the ONE scrap, click on the button on the right that says "Post Scrapbooks".

11. If you are entering several times in the challenge and want to do this all at once you will need to repeat steps 1-6 for each pair of scraps then move to step 7. Be sure to only check 1 page for each of the pairs as explained in step 9.
Jun 21, 2012
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