marshmella says:
Yes, what is a tube??? Have no idea.
Aug 20, 2007
Fancee Flair says:
I too need to know what a tube is.......
Aug 21, 2007
momykitty says:
so so we are in a great expectation would like to know more!!!
Aug 22, 2007
momykitty says:
had a look at your home page so i used "tubes" without knowing i did!!!
Aug 22, 2007
MadMikkie says:
I still need to know - coz using a tube in paint.net doesn't come up with anything like this. :S
Aug 22, 2007
Meddy1965 says:
A tube has a transparent background, so when you add it to your page only the image (Tube is able to be added to your page). There is no background on a tube to be exact. You have to left click and download it in a zip file, then extract the files by clicking files, extract all, Then right click and open with...Yoiu choose the programme. Not all tubes work in every programme. I use Photoimpact 12 because it does most things. I have never tried it in paint. Photoshop works too. I hope this explains it x
Aug 23, 2007
Meddy1965 says:
To the Challenge owner, Please could you let me know if mine is ok for the challenge. I used a background from Photoimpact. All the rest are tubes, I resized some though. I have used the little serviettes as a second border. All tubes Please could you let me know.. Thankyou x
Aug 23, 2007
momykitty says:
so when you extract a part of a document( pic drawing painting) and put in as a layer on something else you name it a" tube" most be saved in PSD or PNG to get a transparent background i used but rarely saved question why do "designers" provides us psd files so no previewer or jpeg files with a background a lot of the beautiful items free downloads in SBF have no miniatures view with photoshop so so lets go on!!!!
Aug 23, 2007
MadMikkie says:
momykitty - you beat me to it - I was just about to say - so whenever I cut out a bit of a picture to use as an embellishment or something - I'm creating a tube?
I'm considering downloading a trial version of PSP to see how much better it is than paint.net - maybe then I can get the hang of using serif. Plus - a friend who's a photographer said once the wedding season starts - she might be able to toss some work my way with creating scrapbook pages - but only using psp stuff - coz that's what she uses - which means buying a license :S
Aug 23, 2007
Cindee says:
basically momy that is it... depending on your program you can save it as a png.. (jpeg will put the border back around it) or if you have like Paint Shop Pro you can actually save it as a tube... this way each time you want to reuse that pic it's already cut out and cleaned up...
Aug 23, 2007
Cindee says:
i put a page on my pages explaining it as best i know how... its called "my humble tutorial on tubes" maybe it will help anyone not knowing what i was getting at lol i thought i was the only one new at this lol
Aug 23, 2007
Meddy1965 says:
Dear Cindee, Please could you explain why I only have thirty points on my page in here but I have 77 points on my home page for the same graphic. I am cofused x
Aug 23, 2007
Meddy1965 says:
Sorry, I mean confused x
Aug 23, 2007