Uploaded 2 Pages as Single Entry

oklahomadawn says:
When you are ready to upload both of your pages as a single entry, go to your home page and click on the "Upload" button on the right side. A new screen will come up where you will name your entry, then click on the "Next" button. A new screen will appear with 5 lines that each have "Browse" at the end. Click on the first "browse" and then locate where you have saved the 1st page; click to open the 1st page, the click on the 2nd "browse" and do the same for the 2nd page. Then click to upload the 2 pages.

When you get to the challenge and click to post your entry, both pages will show in your list of pages; one of them will say page 1 and the other page 2, DO NOT CLICK ON BOTH. Only place a check mark on page 1. Since you uploaded them together they will show up together.
Nov 29, 2011
Larkspur Nanny says:
Thanks for this; I was wondering how to get both pages on the same place! I've tried before and it didn't work.
Nov 29, 2011
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